Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Time goes so fast

I have let almost week go by since I have blogged. Again I have thought about it but let it get away. We have had one of those weeks.

Saturday I worked until 6pm, then after I got off a couple of friends from work invited me to drink some wine with them, now this is the first time I have really hung out with friends since I have been here so I went. I got home around 12am I had a couple of glasses of wine before I came home and was very tired, so I went to sleep. About 12:45 hubby awakened me to tell me that L could not breathe, I went to see what was going on. She sounded awful I knew immediately what was wrong, she had that cough. If you are a mom you know the croup cough. So I gave her a breathing treatment, it was not helping. I took her outside because it was cold and this is supposed to help. It wasn't so we loaded up and headed off to the ER. When we arrive they told us it was a 4 hour wait. I asked L if she was feeling better and she said no, so we waited.

They took her vitals, and told us they see patients by priority, and a child having breathing issues was a priority. So two and a half hours after arrival, we were finally seen. We were seen by a young Dr. I was not so impressed with him. He diagnosed her with a double ear infection, and croup, but since she sounded better at the time he didn't give us the steroid for the croup but did give us a prescription for the ear infections. She is doing better now.

On Monday both H and L were running a fever so I kept H home from school. Then we got a terrible ice storm on Monday night and Tuesday, so Tuesday and Wednesday school was called off, so she has been home all week. But I am sure they will have school tomorrow. Although we had fun today while they were home we painted a town out of cardboard boxes like cereal boxes, oatmeal, etc... They had a great time.

G got an appointment for March 2 for the milk challenge, and hopefully my friend from work can go with me. He seems to be doing well. i am anxious for the challenge.

I guess that is all for tonight. Thanks for checking on us. Till next time remember to hug and kiss your family and tell them you love them, today is gone and tomorrow may never come................


Calebs Mom said...

I hope Lainey Is feeling much better. I hate it when they get sick. Hope you and the rest of the family is doing well.

Calebs Mom said...

Hey Christy
Checking on you and your family. Its been a while since I heard from you and I just wanted to make sure everyone was ok. Let me know.