Friday, July 10, 2009

The Long Days of Summer

This week has been unbearably hot here, like 109. I am so grateful that we now have a pool and we can just go jump in, unfortunately the going to work at 6pm every evening thing kind of throws the day off. But we still manage to find time almost everyday to get in the pool.
Next week H will be 8, where did the last 8 years go? She is growing up. This year for her birthday the two things she wanted most were a new phone like mine, a slider so she can text with her friends and a new TV. So we got her a new phone, she will be so excited. My step mom got her a new TV and a new DVD player so I know she will love that. But my mom is sending us to Great Wolf Lodge for the weekend. We are so excited. We have not been on a vacation in years! Usually we spend our vacation time going home for the holidays, and although it is only for the weekend it will be fun. We will also be joined by our friends here on Sat, my friend's mom lives near Great Wolf Lodge, so they will stay with her but will come to the water park and celebrate H's bday with us. It will be a blast! I think I am as excited as the kids!
We have had a nice week despite the heat, I don't think we left the house but one day. It was nice to just hang out! Next week we have our monthly meeting for MOMS Club, we have two new potential members coming, I am excited. I was about to give up. As of now we only have four members. We had five, but one decided she didn't want to be a member anymore because I would not let her bring her friend from out of town to a playgroup at my house. Seriously, read the bylaws and think about it. Would you want a complete stranger at a playgroup at your house with your kids? I think not, that is why the bylaws are set up. Sometime I don't understand people. But I am not going to give up. We will make up a great group! I know we can do it. MOMS Club was a saviour to me in Ohio and Tennessee and I know it can be that again here.
The kids are all doing well, L is still into something almost daily, and G follows along with her which isn't good, but they are getting better. I think or maybe I am just getting used to it now. LOL! H well she is 8 going on 16 she has the whole attitude thing going and my mom says I am paying for my raising. Oh Lord I hope she isn't like me, I don't know how my mom dealt with me as a teen but I couldn't do it. LOL
Me I am just working and hoping that when school starts I can take some photography classes and start doing some freelance photography, I love taking photos and I want to share that joy with others. So hopefully that will work out for me. Work, well its work. Not at all the job I envisioned for myself, this company is so messed up, they could care less about their employees but I know I wont be there forever. So I suck it up and go everyday. I have a great boss, but the store manager and assistant store manager are very young and make some very unwise choices and they have very little regard for anyone. Nor do they posses the skills to speak to their employees with any kind of respect, it is pathetic. But from what I have read about this company this is a nationwide thing this company has many employees current and past that have been treated this way. So I try not to take it personally, but some days it is really hard. It is also hard that I leave at 5:45pm almost every night. Just as hubby gets home I leave, and I work Saturdays and some Sundays so we don't see each other as much. But it is nice to be able to help with some bills and feel like I am contributing to my family.
Anyway I guess that is all for now. Till next time remember to hug and kiss your family and tell them you love them, today is gone and tomorrow may never come..........................

1 comment:

Jenni said...

What you don't like the 109 weather??!?1 Who does not love to bake on the way to their car?