Monday, November 16, 2009


OK so the party was good. Although L only had three little friends come, since it was a party combined with another friend, he had plenty of friends and family there that it wasn't a big deal. She had a good time. I am a little sad for her that she didn't have more little friends show up, but as long as she had fun. My friend J got her a beta fish, she loves it. She has been excited about it all day!
Hubby and I were both sick today, and laid around pretty much all day. I did start my reorganization task tonight when I was feeling better. I got the kitchen all cleaned and reorganized and mad the kids a pretend store. They will be excited in the morning!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Luckily, she is still young enough to "share" friends. L was happy to share! :)