Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tis The Season

Christmas is upon us, and I find myself wondering what happened to the true meaning of Christmas? When did it become so commercialized? Now it is about how much you buy. Isn't the true meaning to celebrate the birth of Jesus? And didn't he die on the cross for our sins? Shouldn't we remember that?
I have been so stressed out about the cost of Christmas and how we were going to afford it this year, I prayed that God would help me find a way, and he did. Just as he always does, he helped me figure it out. No matter what he is always on my side, even when I wasn't always on his. Isn't he grand?!?!
I am amazed that as Christmas gets closer people get grumpier. Being that I work in retail I get the brunt of lots of this grumpiness and I am left to wonder what exactly these people are so mad about that they feel the need to take it out on complete strangers. Amazing!
We are not going to get to go home this Christmas because I have to work both the day before and the day after Christmas and I am sad that I will miss my mom and my Grandpa this year, but I am thankful that my family is here and we are all happy and healthy!
Please remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Be thankful for what you have in your life. Be thankful for your friends and your family. Think about going out and just being kind to at least one stranger, you will be surprised how good you feel for it.
Till next time remember to hug and kiss your family and tell them you love them, today is gone and tomorrow may never come.............................