Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I am thankful.

I read the most beautiful blog post today, it was a blog about a mother who gave birth to a Down syndrome baby, she had no idea until she was born that she would be special. Read the blog post http://www.kellehampton.com/2010_01_01_archive.html it is her birth story, prepare to have Kleenex handy.

I am so blessed that my children are healthy, I know that God knows who to give special children to, and I am not sure that I would know how to handle it. I would like to think that I would handle it with grace and strength but I don't know. I love my kids more than anything, and I would love them no matter what I am truly blessed. As I read this blog post I realized she posted her true feelings in it, she let them spill out and I am not sure most people would be that brave. I was truly touched . Be thankful for your children, hug them, play with them, and know that each child is a blessing no matter of their abilities or disabilities.

1 comment:

Edie Mindell said...

Her blog made me cry too! It's true that God knows whom to give these special babies, and we should not complain even a single bit because God has a reason for everything that is happening and is going to happen. Babies are God-sent miracles, and they should be loved and accepted no matter who they are.