Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kinder roundup

OK so today was L's kinder roundup, and I was forced to realize that nest year I will have two kids in elementary school. How is that possible? What happened to my babies? Weren't they just babies yesterday? How did they grow up so fast? L is not so excited about going to kindergarten next year, but I am trying to really play it up. I understand she loves her teachers now and hated to leave her preschool but I think she will like it when she gets there. She is such a sweet girl, we have pretty much outgrown the curious George stage, and she is just the sweetest little girl. Her teachers this year say she is quite in class and they really have to push her to speak up. She has become a different child. When I went for parent teacher conferences, I was surprised by the fact they said she was the quite one. I have worked really hard to not make her feel left out sine she is the middle, I hear middle children complain that they get left out because they aren't the oldest and they aren't the baby. I didn't want that for her. Her teacher says it shows that she doesn't display the normal middle child syndrome. I was so pleased to hear that. I think they are all my babies and each is unique, they each have very different personalities and that is what makes them so special. Some days its hard and I want to pull my hair out but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love them more than anything in the entire world. They are my life, without them I don't know what I would do. I never pictured my life as the mom of three, but I would not change it.
L is still sick and I keep thinking I need to take her to the Dr but she seems to feel better than BAM she is ill again and running a fever and it seems to be after sick clinic hours. I will see in the morning how she feels.
I ask as I get ready to close that you pray for my friend in Ohio, she is the mom of 3 boys and was pregnant with her 4th a little girl. Two weeks ago, she didn't feel the baby moving and went in, but it was too late. She was 36 weeks along, she delivered her sweet baby stillborn. I cant even imagine how she is feeling, please pray for comfort for her and her family. Till nest time remember to hug and kiss your family and tell them you love them, today is gone and tomorrow may never come...........................

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